Tips on Picking a Color for Your Walls

What’s the real psychological or aesthetic reason about people perceiving one place visually appealing and the other one repulsive? Why are we attracted to some specific products over other? In our designers’ opinion, it’s all a color’s fault. Color—whether architectural or in the branded packaging—estimates for around 60 percent of our response to any object…

Design Ideas: Southwestern Kitchen Design This style of an interior (and sometines exterior) design is mostly popular in the southern states. It is distinctively known for making a home decorated in a Southwestern style having a casual and warm look. Terra-cotta tile floors, rustic wooden ceiling beams and rough textures are design details that give these homes a uniquely…

California Law: License to Practice Interior Design?

In March 2013, Californian legislator Piona Ma introduced a bill (AB 3423) that would require a special new licensing in order to be practicing a “registered interior design.” The bill currently awaits an April committee hearing and would become part of the California codes only if it passes both legislative houses and gets the governor’s…